The Theta Chamber
The Theta Chamber allows for Rapid and Complete recovery from depression, anxiety, PTSD, and addiction. Theta treats anxiety, stress, depression , insomnia, and addictions of all kinds using multiple, powerful treatments in a comfortable, relaxing environment.

This FDA-cleared treatment uses precisely tuned, subtle electrical impulses to affect the neural networks and neurochemistry of the brain, encouraging normal function. These electric signals are similar to those produced by the brain itself. As an electro-chemical instrument, the brain constantly both produces and receives a wide variety of signals, from one region of the brain to another, and through the nervous system to all parts of the body.

Once the brain has reached the Theta state and is open to suggestion, change and healing, the The Theta Chamber transmits gentle, natural-like signals to the hypothalamus, in the limbic region of the brain. These signals encourage the hypothalamus to start producing normal, healthy levels of serotonin, dopamine and other neurotransmitters. Over the course of just a few applications of these signals, the brain is entrained into normal functionality, as new neural pathways are created and the old, addicted or imbalanced ones atrophy. Through decades of research and testing, doctors have been able to determine the precise frequencies, waveforms, amplitudes and signal strength needed to treat certain conditions such as anxiety, depression and insomnia, as well as many addictions.